OCA delivers to its customers:
Buildings that are efficient, safe, eco-friendly and versatile. Our homes meet changing requirements of occupants during their lifetime.
Homes that follow modern family lifestyle
Eco-friendly technology
Efficient thermal insulation as a standard
Using optimal thermal insulation, our houses save energy during the whole year.
Product for an affordable price
OCA delivers homes following “Livable Housing Australia” standards rated: silver, gold or platinum.
OCA designs and builds houses following “Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme” (NatHERS rates houses from 0 to 10 stars). Our houses are rated from 6 to 10 stars.
Civil Engineering services
Design and building retaining walls and special foundation
Calculations and designs for renewable energy projects
Soil testing, compaction and excavation
Design, structural design and building steel constructions
Design and providing technological pipelines with thermal insulation
Design and building industrial buildings
3D modelling for projects
Call us for a free meeting on (+61) 041 976 113